Not sure which parts of the application your users have access to according to their user roles? Take a look at our overview.👇
In Sloneek, you can assign several user roles to users. To help you better understand which role has which permissions to access different modules in the application, here is an overview of them. To help you navigate the article, use the contents below:
Roles related to certain modules
Regular user
The default role that every new Sloneek user has. In a simplistic way, a regular user can only see themselves in most cases, but here is a detailed description of their permissions for each module:
- A regular user can only see their vacation balances and other absences, they cannot see the balances of others.
- In the calendar and on the dashboard, they can view the specified absences of either all colleagues in the company or only colleagues in their team. This setup depends on the company's general account settings.
- Obviously, a regular user can only enter absences for themselves.
- A regular user can only see the total reported work through activities for themselves in their profile, they cannot see the totals of other users.
- In calendars, the same applies as for absences: a regular user can view the entered activities of either all colleagues in the company or only colleagues in their team. This setup again depends on the company's general account settings.
- Obviously, a regular user can only enter activities for themselves.
Arrivals and departures
- A regular user can only see their own arrivals and departures in the calendar, they cannot see the attendance of other users.
- The same is true for the total time worked by arrivals and departures, the regular user only sees their totals.
- Obviously, a regular user can only enter arrivals and departures for themselves.
Personal and work data of other users
- In the Colleagues section, a regular user can see all their colleagues in the company. However, if they click on the detail of one of them, they can only see the basic work and contact details of the colleague. These include: first name, last name, email, phone number, user's public description, work location and country of operation.
- The regular user will not see the type of contract, remuneration or other sensitive data.
Organisational structure
- A regular user has access to the team tree (company's organizational structure), if the company's general account settings allow it. Administrators can prevent normal users from accessing the Teams section in these settings.
Assets and Documents
- For both modules, a regular user can only see their own documents and assets, not those of other users.
Tasks (onboarding checklists)
- Also for tasks, the regular user can only see their tasks (those they are responsible for), not those of other users.
- A regular user can only access their own evaluation, they cannot see the evaluation of other users.
- If a user has been assigned a team objective or key results for that objective, the regular user can see the names of the other users with whom they are working on the objective and who are responsible for that objective or key results.
- Regular user has access to complete surveys that are relevant to them. These can be found in the My Surveys section.
- Naturally, a regular user cannot see the results of the surveys or how other users have responded.
Company wiki
- A regular user has access to the company wiki, but does not have rights to edit articles. They can only read them.
Trust box
- A regular user has access to the trustbox unless the administrators choose to hide it in the company's general account settings.
- A simple rule applies to the entire reports section: A regular user can only generate and view their own reports; they cannot see other users' reports.
Audit log
- A regular user can only access their personal audit log, which they can find in his profile.
- In this audit log they can see all the actions that concern their person.
Team manager
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You can assign the role of team manager to a user in the Company / Teams section by clicking on the details of a specific team. Simply put, a team manager can see themselves and their team, which they can also continue to work with. Here is a detailed description of his permissions for each module:
- The team manager can see their vacation balances or other absences and at the same time they can also see the balances of their team members.
- In the calendar and on the dashboard, they can view the specified absences of either all colleagues in the company or only their teammates. This setup depends on the company's general account settings.
- The team manager can also enter absences for their team members.
- The team manager can see the total work reported through activities for themselves, while also having a view of the totals for other members of their team in their folder.
- The same applies in calendars as for absences: the team manager can view the entered activities of either all colleagues in the company, or only colleagues in their team. Again, this setup depends on the company's general account settings.
- The team manager can also schedule activities for their team members.
Arrivals and departures
- The team manager can see their arrivals and departures in the calendar, as well as the attendance of other members of their team.
- The team manager can also edit and enter the attendance of their team members, but they cannot delete events!
Personal and work data of other users
- In the Colleagues section, the team manager can view all of their colleagues in the company. If they click on the detail of their team member, they can view their work data, remuneration, absence and activity overview, evaluation and user history.
Note: You can set whether the team manager has the right to view and edit remuneration of their team members in the manager's user folder.
- For other users outside of their team, the team manager will only see basic work and contact information for the colleague. These include: first name, last name, email, phone number, public description, work location, and country of operation.
Organisational structure
- The team manager has access to the team tree (company's organizational structure), if the company's general account settings allow it. Administrators can prevent users from accessing the Teams section in this setting.
Assets and Documents
- For both modules, a team manager can only see their own documents and assets, not those of other users, not even members of their team.
Tasks (onboarding checklists)
- Also for tasks, the team manager sees only their tasks (those they are responsible for), not those of other users.
- The team manager has access to their evaluation and can also enter and edit the evaluation of their subordinates in their folders.
- The team manager also has access to the Evaluation module in the Company section, where they can create team objectives and key results for them and track their achievement.
- Team manager has access to complete surveys that are relevant to them. These can be found in the My Surveys section.
- The team manager does not see the results of the surveys or how other users responded, even members of their team.
Recruitment (ATS)
- The team manager has access to the Recruitment module in the Company section, where they can view those positions that fall under their team. They can also add comments on these jobs for candidates.
Company wiki
- The team manager has access to the company wiki, but does not have rights to edit articles. They can only read them.
Trust box
- The team manager has access to the trustbox unless the administrators choose to hide it in the company's general account settings.
- A simple rule applies to the entire reports section: A team manager can generate and view reports for themselves or their subordinates, they cannot see other users' reports.
Audit log
- A regular user can only access their personal audit log, which they can find in his profile.
- In this audit log they can see all the actions that concern their person.
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Only the account owner can add or remove the administrator role from a user. Simply put, the administrator has access to the complex administration of the entire application and can see all the data. However, here is a detailed description of his/her powers for each module:
- The administrator can see their vacation balances or other absences and can also see the balances of all other users.
- The administrator can also enter absences for any other user in the system.
- At the same time, it is the administrator who creates and sets up new absences, assigns them to users to use and manages their entitlements.
- The administrator can see the total work reported through activities for themselves, and at the same time also has a view of the totals for all other users in their folders.
- The administrator can also schedule activities for any other user in the system.
- At the same time, it is the administrator who creates and sets up new activities, assigns them to users to record, and manages their details.
Arrivals and departures
- The administrator can see their arrivals and departures in the calendar, as well as the attendance of all other users of the system.
- The administrator can also retrospectively enter, edit and delete the attendance of all other users.
- At the same time, it is the administrator who creates and sets the departure types for attendance, work locations, sets terminals and attendance cards.
Personal and work data of other users
- Naturally, the administrator has access to the administration of all users of the system. Specifically from the Users / Management section.
- In the user folders they can not only see all data and all available tabs, but also edit them.
- The administrator can also add special roles to other users such as Document Manager or Ombudsman. The only exception is the admin role, which can only be added or removed by the account owner.
Organisational structure
- In the Company / Teams section, the administrator creates and manages the organizational structure of the company or the team tree.
- The administrator creates and sets up individual teams and adds users to them, including their team roles.
- The administrator has unlimited access to the Assets module. They can create, import and set up individual assets, assign them to users or bulk export them from the system.
- The administrator has unlimited access to the Documents module. They can upload and manage contracts, private documents and company-wide documents, monitor their signatures and read status or create document templates.
Tasks (onboarding checklists)
- The administrator has unlimited access to the Onboarding module. They can create new onboarding templates (checklists) of tasks, for which they designate responsible persons for their execution and deadline. At the same time, the administrator can monitor the status of individual tasks.
- The administrator has unlimited access to the Evaluation module. They can create evaluation questionnaires and competency models, assign team and personal objectives to users and monitor their progress.
- The administrator also assigns the created evaluation questionnaires and competency models to users in their folder, where they also have a detailed view of the user's entire evaluation.
- The administrator has full access to the Surveys module, where they can create, duplicate or delete surveys.
- At the same time, the administrator can access the results and download graphs.
Recruitment (ATS)
- The administrator has unlimited access to the Recruitment module. They can create, publish and share new job postings, set up the recruitment process, manage candidates and talent pool and of course create email templates.
Company wiki
- The administrator manages the company wiki. They create and publish articles, which can also be pinned to the main dashboard.
Trust box
- The administrator has access to anonymous messages in the trust box, unless another user is assigned the role of Ombudsman. In this case, the trust box is the sole responsibility of the Ombudsman.
- A simple rule applies to the entire reports section: An administrator can generate and display reports for themselves and all other users of the system.
Audit log
- The administrator has access to the company audit log, which can be found in the Settings / Audit log section.
- In this audit log all actions performed in the system by all users. The audit log therefore serves as a bulletproof record in case of doubt.
Special user roles and their permissions
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In addition to the default role of a regular user, team manager and administrator (and also account owner, whose permissions are practically identical to those of an administrator), Sloneek offers users to add several special roles with special permissions. These are added in each user's folder in the Special user rights field.
Document manager
- As the name suggests, a user with this role has full access to the Documents module.
- Similar to an administrator, they can upload and manage contracts, private documents, and company-wide documents, monitor their signature and read status, or create document templates.
Asset manager
- As the name suggests, a user with this role has full access to the Assets module.
- Similar to an administrator, they can create, import and set up individual assets, assign them to users or bulk export them from the system.
Recruiting manager (ATS)
- A user with the Recruiting Manager (ATS) role has full access to the Recruiting module.
- Similar to an administrator, they can create, publish and share new job postings, set up the recruitment process, manage candidates and talent pool, and of course create email templates.
Clients and Projects manager
- A user with this role has full access to the Clients and Projects section where they can create and manage individual projects and clients.
Full access to reports
- As the name suggests, a user with this role has full access to reports.
- This can be useful if, for example, you want to grant access to reports to your accountants so that they can download payroll documents.
Evaluation Manager
- A user with this role has full access to the Evaluation module where they can create and manage evaluation questionnaires, skill sets or objectives.
- At the same time, the evaluation manager has a view of all users' evaluations, and can complete, edit or close these evaluations.
- A user with this role is responsible for the trust box.
- If a user leaves a message in the trustbox, it is only the user with the ombudsman role who can access it.
Team roles modifying permissions
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Another category in Sloneek is team roles that modify certain permissions within teams. Here is an overview of the team roles that are assigned in the Company / Teams section when you click on the details of a particular team:
- Allows user to view the status of events of subordinate teams without the capabilities of the team manager role.
- This is read-only access, not edit and write access (for example, previewing reports and calendar, without the ability to change anything).
- The supervisor also cannot approve absences or activities. At the same time, a user with the Supervisor role can see the team in which they are a supervisor in the reports.
Activity planner
- Allows user to enter events in the Activities Calendar on behalf of users in teams where a user with this role is assigned as an Activity Planner.
- The activity planner does not have approval rights and approval of activities is subject to the team manager.
- The activity planner cannot generate reports for other users.
Absence planner
- Similar role to the Activity Planner above, but for the Absence module.
- Allows user to enter events into the Absence Calendar on behalf of users on teams where a user with this role as Absence Planner is assigned.
- The absence planner does not have approval rights and approval of absences is subject to the team manager.
- The absence planner cannot generate reports for other users.
Absence approver
- The difference from the Absence Planner is that a user with this role has access to the Approvals section.
- A user with this role approves or rejects absences for the team in which this role is assigned. These users also receive notifications of requests related to absences that are entered or canceled.
- Note: This role does not have access to reports.
Arrivals and departures manager
- A user with this role can retroactively edit and manage attendance for other team members.
- Note: A user with this role cannot delete the entered attendance events, these rights belong only to administrators.
Roles related to certain modules
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The last category of roles are related only to certain modules in which users have limited access to the module.
Project manager
- This is not a role directly associated with teams, so this role is not assigned in Teams, but for a specific project.
- A user with this role can then approve the activities reported for that project and has access to reports on the projects they manage.
- A user with this role cannot create own projects or clients
Hiring manager
The Project Manager role is related to the ATS module, where you can assign this role to certain users for a selected job posting so that they can view the position and work with the applicants
A user with this role has only preview rights and cannot change the settings of the entire module or create own job offers
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