What each User needs to know

  • Absence reports (balances, drawdowns)

    There are 4 types of absence reports available in the application: Absence Event Report, Absence Summary, Monthly Time Calendar, and Daily Time Report.

    The data display is subject to permissions by role (Admin sees everything, Manager sees their team/subordinates, User sees themselves).

    Each user has a quick view of the absentee balances with the fund on the Dashboard. A detailed overview of the drawdown can be found in the menu ME / MY ABSENCES.

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     Absence Event Report

    The report displays the absence events entered by the user(s) and their status - approved, pending, denied.

    The data is displayed for the period specified in the filter header.

    The data display is subject to permissions by role (Admin sees everything, Manager sees their team/subordinates, User sees themselves).

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     Absence summary report

    The report displays summary information for each absence event that the user(s) is allowed to draw.

    Data is displayed not only in aggregate for the calendar year, but also for the time period selected in the filter header!

    The data display is subject to permissions by role (Admin sees everything, Manager sees their team/subordinates, User sees themselves).

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    What the report columns show:

    • drawing detail - shows the extent of drawdown in calendar days.
    The number of days does not show the number of days deducted from the fund, but the number of calendar days!
    • withdrawn in selected interval - Displays events within the time span specified in the filter in the report header
    • approved to draw this year - displays the number of approved events as of the last day of the calendar year
    • balance at the end of the month - The size of the balance as of the last day of the month that is selected in the interval. In this case it is about events of April

     Monthly working hours calendar

    Displays the monthly timesheet report, taking into account any absences taken.

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     Working hours report

    Displays the daily timesheet report, taking into account absences taken, if any.

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    See the options for working with reports, filtering, changing and saving views, click here.


    5 Integrated report

    In one report you get an integrated view of data on working hours, absenteeism, attendance and activities.

    You can run the integrated report in Reports / Integrated reports.

    If you run a report with a large amount of data from more than about 30 users over a period of more than 14 days, we will process the report in the background and send you information about its processing by email. Before the large reports are processed, you can work with additional filtering by clicking the BACK button


    There are 2 integrated reports. Daily and Summary.

    • The Daily report displays DAILY data across modules for the selected user/users in the specified period.
    • The Summary report displays AGGREGATED data for the selected user/users in the specified period.
  • Display of user absence (dashboard, calendars)

    Each user can monitor the status of their absences in several places in the application (all items can be found in the top menu):

    • Dashboard - On the Absence and working hours ribbon you will get information about the status of all absence events that can be drawn and have a designated annual fund.

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    • Events - A calendar view of all the events you are using. In addition to Absences you can see here, in relation to the activated modules, also Attendance a ActivitiesIntegrated calendar offers an overview of all absence, attendance and activity events. In the bar above the calendar there are options for views (monthly, weekly, timeline) as well as filtering of events and users.

    Keep in mind that only one user's events can always be displayed in the Overview calendar. Everyone can see their own events, events of anyone on the team, or events of anyone in the entire company, depending on the settings.

    This is so that the calendar doesn't create a cluttered mix in which the dates can't be read. 

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    Click on any event in the calendar to open a dialog box. Here you can cancel the event, see its status and add note a commentsNote is editable only by the user who created it. The note will also be in the reports.

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    Comments can be added to an event by anyone who sees it. You can insert a simple message or a "mention". Use "@" to display a list of users in the application to whom you can address the note. Start typing the first letters of the name and the system will "whisper" the user. After that, the user will be mentioned.

    In the same window, as you insert the mention, you can also insert a file.

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  • Mentions in events

    You can use the @ symbol to mention another user in the app to make a comment (or just be "mentioned") in a post you're writing. This allows you to invite them to take action without, for example, writing an email.

    You can use mentions in all the event details (after clicking on the event in the calendar) that we record in Sloneek in the calendars (absences, attendance, scheduling).


    How to use mentions?

    Any user can let anyone (not just their manager) within the company know that their attention or activity is required as part of a comment on an event. It can be an acknowledgement, a request, a check of an attachment.

    Once a mention is made, an email notification will come to the mentioned person. He / she can then respond to the mention directly from the email by clicking through to the app.

    If you need to mention multiple colleagues, simply separate them with a space.

  • Monthly email summary for the User role

    In relation to individual user roles, Sloneek sends out overview statements Monthly overview for the user role User, Weekly overview for the user role Manager and Monthly overview for the user role Admin.

    Monthly overview for the user role User

    The summary is sent out on the morning of the first day of the month. In the overview you will find the following in relation to the activated modules:

    • Attendance Summary with a warning if there is a missed departure (in this situation, the attendance is not closed)

    • Activity summary with a warning of any incomplete time tracking

    • Tools awaiting acceptance + button linking to My Tools

    • Documents awaiting my signature + button linking to specific documents

    Detailed content of the summaries, including the option to set up all notifications, can be found here.

    You can turn off/on the Sloneek DIGEST reports on the Notifications / Sloneek tab. You can find it under PROFILE by clicking on AVATAR in the top right corner of the app.

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  • Entering or requesting an absence event (such as vacation)

    You can create a new absence such as vacation from Dashboard or from the calendar tab Events. If the absence is subject to approval, it will be sent to a manager.

    You can create a new event from Dashboard or from the calendar tab Events. Click on the button New absence. In the calendar, you can select by dragging and dropping the mouse to select the period in which you want to create the event. In the dialog box, select the event details and click on the Check.

    Check button checks for any unwanted duplication of other events across Sloneek.

    If you don't have enough funds to draw an event, the app will alert you. If you cannot insert an event despite having a sufficient fund, this indicates a settings error. Read more here.

    To enter absences from your mobile, download our mobile app.

    What happens when you enter an event

    • If an event is set as automatically approved by the Admin, it is immediately entered into the system. You will receive a notification in your email.
    • If the event is subject to approval, then it is sent to your manager. At the time of approval, you will be notified by email notification and the event is logged and included to the system.
    • If the event is rejected, you will receive an email notification, the event will not be logged and included in the system.
  • How to look at your or your colleagues' public holidays?

    In the calendars, you will find the public holidays of your company's country displayed by default, but also the public holidays of the country in which you operate, if the countries are not identical. If you would like your company's country holidays to hide, just use the corresponding checkbox above the calendar. 

    Example: You are in the Czech Republic but work for a German company. So you will see Czech public holidays in the calendar, but at the same time you can see public holidays in Germany, where your company is based.

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    If you expand the user filter in the absence calendar, you will see the country code for each colleague in brackets. If you mark a colleague in the filter, their public holidays will automatically appear in the calendar. This makes planning holidays and other absences much easier.